Wednesday, August 22, 2007


I'm not feeling very creative, just tired. I couldn't even come up with a title for this post. I have been so very busy over the last several weeks, and feeling crummy during it all. Allergies have hit me hard in August. Allergies seem to drain every ounce of energy out of me.

We have had a visit with Hubby's family. I hosted a baby shower the evening that they departed. Thankfully they cleaned my house for me before they left. They also helped me with the girls so that I could get the games prepared for the shower. I think my in-laws left my house cleaner than when they found it! What a blessing that was! We had several other things going on over the last several weeks including a camping trip and starting school. Homeschooling is very different from teaching in a school. However, I think we are off to a good start, and the girls seem to be enjoying it. I aim to post some photos soon, but right now I need to get my aching body into bed.

By the way, I love hearing from you-so leave a comment. Or else how do I know that you have visited?


Karen Hamilton said...

rUgh! Allergies are awful. Joe is suffering with some too. He took a benadryl or two the other day and was worthless a good long time. School already! Rachel doesn't start until after Labor Day. Take care. We love you!

PLAIN KIDS said...

My prayers are with you as you start school! My girls started school this week - k and 1st. It's been exciting. I check your blog all the time, so keep writing, and go get a steroid shot (That's what has always worked best for me;))

The Mama of the House said...

You have been busy this summer and I'm not sure how you've done it. Maybe school starting is a good way to get on a calm and consistent schedule. Besides, we get to crop on Wednesday! Well, I might if I can figure out where I am! :)