Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Happy Birthday, Sister!

I'm sending birthday wishes out to my sister. I hope that you have had a wonderful birthday today. I have been missing you, and praying for you often.

I thought of you this weekend when I saw this sign. We stayed at a hostel in Leadville, and I thought it was funny that he had Anchorage on his mileage sign. Seeing how many miles are between us made me miss you more! I can't believe that you live so far away. Do you think that we will ever live in the same state again? I would love to have taken you to lunch today to celebrate with you, or have you over for Sunday dinner, or have you at my girls' birthday party, or go shopping with you. It's difficult having a sister that I rarely get to visit with! On the positive side, I'm so glad that I have you for my sister. I'm grateful that we have things like blogs, email, and affordable phone rates so that we are able to keep in touch.

Happy Birthday, Flur! I hope that your family made you feel special and loved today.
Love and Hugs!!!


PLAIN KIDS said...

Wow - that made me cry. I can sooo relate. My sister was needing someone to watch her kids the other day, and I wished I could have just hopped in the car to help her. Thanks for the comments. I love reading your blog - your girls are so beautiful!

Kakoii said...

Thanks for the great birthday wish! I was also missing you. I guess I was feeling sorry for myself. As much as I enjoy the adventure of moving around, I really miss family. I have not made friends here yet and some days I get pretty lonely. There's something special about women friends that husbands just can't substitute for. They don't get the tears and emotional stuff too well.
I love you too and I hope hope hope to get a chance to visit in person!!!!!!