Tuesday, April 08, 2008



I had to smile when I found this scene set up by Pixie. It shows her personality to me. I often find things like this around the house where she has neatly tucked in her stuffed animals, or lined things up in rows. It must have taken a good amount of time and effort for her to set up each of these tiny animals! I bought these animals for the girls to practice counting and categorizing. Pixie loves these animals and plays with them all the time. She has another little quirk that I think is funny. Ever since she was very little, she would go around closing cupboards and doors. She does not like the dishwasher door to be open and usually will try to close it even when I am in the midst of loading dishes! I have a moose cookie cutter on the ledge of my stove that often falls forward on its face, and Pixie will always ask me to please fix the moose. Unfortunately, this part of her personality does not mean that she is always neat and tidy...she hates being told to clean up!

1 comment:

Kakoii said...

I'm afraid dear Pixie may share one of my worst traits- perfectionism! I once offended a woman I had just met because of my compulsion to shut open doors! Upon entering her kitchen about half of her cupboard doors were open and before I could stop myself I shut every one of them! As for lining up her toys and you finding them around your home that is something that is very like you. Do you remember hiding toys in Dad's work boots and giggling while waiting for him to find them?
Love ya!