Friday, December 01, 2006

Another Perspective

Everyone is always telling me, "Children grow up so fast, enjoy them while they're young." Well, I am trying to enjoy them. I do enjoy them very much. However, it isn't always easy. It is difficult to enjoy them when you are in the second week of potty training, and your two year old has again left a puddle on the carpet. It is difficult to enjoy your four year old when she starts practicing her alphabet with pink chapstick on your beige carpet, or with pen on your off-white walls. (By the way, she can write, "cat.")

I am often reminded by another person's perspective of how wonderful it is to be a mother. I was at the store today and received several comments about my girls. One lady was delighted to hear my precious girls squealing with delight in the toy department. Another lady was tickled by my two year old who was excited about using the potty like a big girl. Another day I had a lady tell me how refreshing it was to see a mom teaching her children about produce in a gentle voice rather than yelling at her children in the store. It is these perspectives that often spark a renewal of love in me towards my children. So, thank you to everyone who helps mothers of young children with their comments and smiles that help us to love our children all the more.

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