Saturday, February 07, 2009

Double Take

Even though I am fully aware that we are still waiting on baby to come, I had to do a double take when I walked into her room and saw this!  The girls are so excited about meeting their sister that they have been playing in her room constantly.  They have had fun helping me set up the room, and pretending to be little mommies.  Pixie asks me nearly every day when sister will be here.  Rosebud has asked me not to have the baby while she is sleeping because she doesn't want to miss it.  They are so sweet!


Kakoii said...

That is so precious! I'm sure you remember how excited we were when our baby brother was born. I don't remember being anxious for his delivery but I do remember being so thrilled when he did arrive.
I'm also excited for your new arrival. I have to admit, I thought perhaps you had delivered your new little bundle when I saw your picture. I can't wait until it's real! Take care and *try* to relax!

karen said...

That is sooo sweet, what adorable little girls you have!