Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Our Afternoon Walk

We went for a walk today. When we left it was sunny and warm and Cayleigh was riding her bike. By the time we got home, Cayleigh was riding piggy-back and I was pushing the stroller and the bike. And we were very cold, except Keira because I had bundled her properly. For our next walk, I will have to make sure we get home before the sun goes behind the mountains.

1 comment:

The Mama of the House said...

How fun! Boy, did you get your exercise that day! We have 2 biking rules...

1. if he whines then we go straight home and

2. if he chooses to ride it, he pushes it or it gets left. Once I start walking away he quickly grabs his bike and catches up.

This only works because he loves his bike!